Why Choose Us

Of all the decisions you will make throughout your custom home renovation journey, the one we would ask you to consider most carefully is your choice of General Contractor. Choosing the design, the look and feel of your custom home renovation—the colors, the appliances, the fittings, and more—are all very important, but choosing the right general contractor who can flawlessly tie the whole thing together is critical.

Here are three key reasons we believe that Nifty Contractor is the best choice for your custom home renovation project:

Naturally, no one wants to spend more money than they need to on anything, and a custom-home renovation is no exception—we completely understand this. However, one issue we see with people is they somehow want to keep their budget a secret for fear of the general contractor jacking his price to the sum of money they have, when in reality this is rarely the case. The opposite is usually true—in order to save money, you have to be upfront about it, be honest about it and really consider it when doing your custom home renovation project planning.

How does this approach actually save you money? Number one, being honest about your budget and discussing with a good general contractor is the best way not to overspend on initial plans. We have seen this time and again when a client goes to see a designer or an architect before seeing a GC, and here’s the scenario: the client wants to renovate, so as the first point of call they go and see a designer/architect. (don’t get us wrong, these people are vital in the whole process, but in our view should not be the first port of call). The client tells the designer/architect all their hopes and dreams, and then they draw up plans that look simply amazing! The client absolutely loves it, pays quite handsomely for it, and is off on their merry way to find a builder.

When the client meets a general contractor, they quote up the clients’ plans that have been drawn up by the architect, and when the contractor tells the client the price to build those plans, the client falls off their chair. Had the client seen a professional general contractor first, and had an honest budget conversation at the start of the process, the client could have saved thousands by not getting extravagant plans drawn that are now useless! Once again we want to stress that both designers and architects are critical components of every build or renovation process, but they need to be introduced at the right time and given the right information (including budget!) so the designs and plans match the client’s budget.

The fact is, that for a relatively small stage 1 cost compared to the overall it’s a no brainer to get plans drawn to your budget and accurately priced from the outset (not just sketched out on the back of an envelope). You now have the confidence to move forward with your budget and spend clear, a proper feasibility file to take to your bank if needed, and the comfort of working alongside a one-stop renovation specialist.

As we mentioned above, our DPC process takes care of all this and makes sure that the budget conversation happens at the very beginning so we can craft a unique custom home renovation just for you that also fits into your budget. Plus, by ensuring everything is prepped and ready to go when construction starts, there are no delays that along with costing time (as above), which inevitably cost money as well.