Why Choose Us

Of all the decisions you will make throughout your custom home renovation journey, the one we would ask you to consider most carefully is your choice of General Contractor. Choosing the design, the look and feel of your custom home renovation—the colors, the appliances, the fittings, and more—are all very important, but choosing the right general contractor who can flawlessly tie the whole thing together is critical.

Here are three key reasons we believe that Nifty Contractor is the best choice for your custom home renovation project:

If there’s one thing that people want to feel at the end of their custom home or renovation project, it’s a sense of ‘wow, we are so glad we did this’. It sounds cliche, but to see the smiles on people’s faces when they move back into their home or get to use their new space for the first time is simply an honor to behold, and we feel so privileged that we can be part of that process.

One of the big advantages of a building group such as Nifty Contractor; is the sheer variety of expertise across the group, which is shared on a daily basis. Let’s face it, every custom home addition or renovation is as unique as the person who owns the home, and so no two projects are the same. Each build holds its own unique challenges and complexities and achieving the stunning result the client is after is not always easy. 

With countless renovations completed, the sheer diversity of projects we have worked on means that usually, someone across the group has encountered most issues builders can come across when carrying out a renovation or custom-home build and therefore can pass that knowledge on. This gives real confidence to our builders that they can safely tackle the most complicated of custom home or renovation projects.

The other advantage of using a builder such as Nifty Contractor is that we are dedicated home addition and renovation builders. We thrive on the challenges that a unique build or renovation brings. Every build provides a special challenge as our teams look to piece together the best solution to achieve a stunning result.

There’s no doubt that building a custom home or undergoing home renovations can be a stressful endeavor. A seemingly simple build entails project management, budgeting, timing trades, and juggling schedules. We’re here to take the stress out of your renovation or home addtion—from your initial design ideas, through the project management, right up to handing over your new home. By engaging your local, professional Nifty Contractor who has extensive experience in home renovations and the creation of uniquely individual homes, you can significantly reduce your stress and the risk of unforeseen issues arising that could impact your lifestyle and your family.