Home Makeovers


Home Renovations

Sometimes in a home, you have enough room, but you just need a makeover!

You want something new, exciting, and fresh to add that special touch to your most loved space in the world – your home – and only a home makeover can do that. And we totally get it! We have helped hundreds of people just like you design and build the perfect space for you and your family, partner or friends of a furry kind that all live together happily with you.

Homes are like anything else you own, no matter how well cared for, at some stage they may need more than just maintenance, they need a home makeover of some kind to bring them back to their former glory. Or, you have found that due to changes in lifestyle or requirements, that the layout of the home just doesn’t work for you anymore, or, of course, you just want to update your home to the tastes and styles that suit you. And why shouldn’t you – you deserve it!

A home makeover can be as simple as paint, carpet some exterior work to a full strip out and redesign of the home, there really is such a huge variance in scope. That’s why when we are asked ‘how much does a home makeover cost?’ we always make a point of developing a full home makeover design brief so we can be sure of exactly what you want in your home makeover, so we can get the cost absolutely correct. We know the cost of a home makeover is definitely one of the points people consider when considering their makeover, so we want to respect you and your time by making the effort and taking the time to cost things properly.

At Nifty Contractor, when we are talking about a home makeover, we generally consider this to be a home renovation project that doesn’t really add an extension or second storey to the building but is generally a total change in the look and feel of the home. Sometimes the home makeover requires a restructuring of the flow of the home by removing/adding/changing wall positions and creating different spaces that you require. Like we said before, sometimes people are just after a ‘freshen-up’, while at the other end of the spectrum, we are literally gutting the whole house and starting again, resulting in nearly a brand new home!

What we love about home makeovers is the feeling that people like you get walking into their brand new home, which has been designed and built just for them. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of a space that is just ‘yours’ and looks and works exactly how you want it to. The kitchen is in the right spot, those breezes coming in the right way, your favourite chair that catches the early morning sun just like you want it to. Suddenly again your home feels like home again, and you love it!

At Nifty Contractor, we take care of every aspect of your home makeover, from your initial ideas to construction and completion. Our unique Design-Plan-Construct process will walk you through each step of the process with ease, so you will know what’s happening now, and then what’s next. You won’t be left with unanswered questions but will be kept up to date with constant communication. Our goal is that your home makeover is a seamless process, with you only having to worry about what colours you want and when you can invite your friends over to see the finished product!